Dec 17, 2016

Lars on the Golden Circle

Lars Gullin appeared on the stage of the legendary Stockholm jazz club "Gyllene Cirkeln", the Golden Circle, for several periods during the 1960s. Here is a list of his gigs with references to the published music. There are more unissued music on the known tape sources, and there might by other gem to discover!
Lars Gullin also sat in with Bill Evans (during 3 nights in 1965, a few tunes exist on tape) and with Lee Konitz (1969).

28 May - 2 June: Brew Moore - Lars Gullin
Moore ts, Henno Tooming p, Torbjörn Hultcrantz b, Jan Carlsson dr

Photos by  Nils Edström. 
Gullin and Moore were seldom able to perform
together, but one of them usually appeared on stage. The same pattern was
repeated during a tour led  by Radio Sweden's producer Inge Dahl. 

2 - 13 July: Lars Gullin
Tooming p, Kurt Lindgren b, Carlsson dr
(LG sat in a few nights with Jamila Sulieman the week before. Same rhytm section)

24 - 29 June: Lars Gullin
Nils Lindberg p, Sture Nordin b, Rupert Clemendore dr.

Photo: Nils Edström.

3 - 15 February: Rolf Billberg - Lars Gullin
Billberg as, Gunnar Svensson p, Nordin b, Carlsson dr.
Rolf Billberg; Altosuprem: Anagram ANACD 7, Lars Gullin: ANACD 10

3 September: Harry Bäcklund - Lars Gullin
Bäcklund ts, Lars Sjösten p, Björn Alke b, Bo Skoglund dr.

7 - 19 December: Lars Gullin with strings
(as above + strings)
Lars Gullin på Gyllene Cirkeln (EMI 7C062, LG-1)

30 January: Lars Gullin
Bäcklund ts, Staffan Abeleen p, Alke b, Skoglund dr.
Lars Gullin på Gyllene Cirkeln (EMI 7C062, LG-1)

14 - 17 April: Lars Gullin
(Abeleen, Alke, Skoglund)

16 - 29 May: Harry Bäcklund - Lars Gullin
(Bäcklund, Sjösten, Alke, Carlsson)

17 - 18 December: Lars Gullin
(Bäcklund, Sjösten, Alke, Skoglund)

Nov 6, 2016

A decade in chronological order!

The Spanish label Fresh Sounds has released two boxes with "complete 1951-1960 studio recordings, master takes", totally 8 cd:s, titled "Portrait of the legendary baritone saxophonist Lars Gullin featuring Sweden's top jazzmen.".